My duckling has a grey bubble/blister on its bill


9 Years
Jul 6, 2010
Hi all

We recently expanded our flock to raising ducks. We ordered 6 pekin ducklings (arrived last Friday), all has been well. Yesterday we let them swim for the first time. They are drinking & eating lots. Today I noticed one w/ a dark/grey bubble/ blister looking thing on its bill.

She doesn't seem hurt.

I don't know what to do, so I'm hoping someone here might know.
These are the best pictures I could get of this little duckling
I dont know...but heres a bump up anyways...
hopefully someone will see this and know...
Wish I could be more help, but I have a runner duck with something similar. She has had it for a couple of months, and I have treated it with triple antibiotic cream and betadine but it doesn't seem to be going away. I thought since it is on the bill it may just take longer to get rid of. But I have made a mental note to call an avian vet about it and may bring her in. She is otherwise quite fine, and none of the others have the problem. Would love to hear from anyone who knows what it is. For all our sakes, I pray it is not serious.
I just talked w/ my aunt & she thinks it's just bruised. They are all eating & drinking up a storm, so nothing off there.

Thanks for your responses.
Sorry, I don't know what it is but out of interest, is the bump hard or squidgy? Maybe just a strange growth of some sort...? As long as it doesn't seem to be causing any pain or stopping the duckling from eating/drinking then it should be okay, but keep an eye on it in case there are any developments
I just found this on this site :

"Beak spotting or discolorations should be discussed with your vet, we are not sure of the cause or treatment. Our vet is unsure of any health concerns connected with beak spotting. We suspect it is fungal, but no published treatment is available to our knowledge. "Warts" or bumps on the beak are generally caused by pecking or digging, but there can be other causes. In some cases, this results in a blister-like bump that needs to be drained and treated with antibacterial ointment. Digging, or rubbing the beak on sharp or hard surfaces can cause abrasions. Remove the hazard and consult a vet if bleeding is present. "
I think I'll call my horse vet & see what he says. They had swim time to show off to grandma, & seem to be eating & drinking lots.

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