My ducklings won't let me touch them.

There's always at least one in the crowd who loves to be touched right?
My Muscovy are old 14 down to age 9 and only one of them doesn't mind being touch and he was the one who got rejected by his mama and I raised him. He thought he was one of the dogs for a while.
I rescued them all and have been taking care of them, but I have noticed that there is one that is larger than the rest that they all seem to follow. I am not sure if it is a female or drake, yet. Anyway, I will resign to just enjoying them by sight.
It is common for ducks to not enjoy being touched. My ducks and I have had a great relationship for 6.5 years. They follow me around, come when I call, and gaze adoringly into my eyes. One of them even hops right into my lap. But they do not enjoy being touched. I respect that, and I don't push them. When I want to cuddle I go inside and find my cat.

I recommend that you don't force your ducks because they will associate you with a negative experience. Just give them as many positive experiences with you as possible, and don't be scary. They might decide touching is ok, but if not appreciate them for what they are.
Totally agree. The only time I touch mine is when one is hurt or sick or on their way to drake jail..... they like being near me though which I enjoy
I rescued them all and have been taking care of them, but I have noticed that there is one that is larger than the rest that they all seem to follow. I am not sure if it is a female or drake, yet. Anyway, I will resign to just enjoying them by sight.
You should get goats if you want affection... mine are ALL over me ALL the time :D

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