My ducks are 10 weeks old and fully feathered...can they survive outside in temps below 50 degrees?

Nov 22, 2023
Northeast Florida
Hey y'all...hope everyone's staying warm!

My ducklings are 10 weeks old tomorrow, fully feathered (I think), and have been living outside in their hoop coop for the past week now. However, temps have been warm (Northeast Florida) and have not dropped below 50 degrees at night. Tonight, though, it's gonna get down to 45 and tomorrow, 43. Then it will stay in the 40s at night for a while. They live in a beautiful hoop coop (thanks, hubby!) with a tarp over the back half (from top to ground) and OSB wood sheeting on the back end, except for a window at the very top to allow for good ventilation. We created a "room" in the back half of the coop, using rectangular bales of hay for the walls, for insulation. They prefer to sleep back in that room at night. We just bought 3 additional bales of hay to spread in the coop tonight so they can snuggle into the deep bedding. Will this be warm enough for them? Or should I take them inside? Thanks, everyone!

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