My ducks dont want to swim!


10 Years
Feb 8, 2009
Northern, Illinois
How much do Pekins and Indian Runners swim?

My ducks are 2 months old now and dont care much about swimming. They swim to clean themselves then shiver and want to get out within 10 minutes. The way my pond is built I have to help most of them get in, and out of the pond. When they are ready to get out they swim to the edge and wait for me to scoop them out. I'm afraid of letting them in the large pond/small lake because Im worried they wont come back to my side of the pond. Eventually will let them go but Im waiting until my duck coop is finished. This way they will know their home and where the food is.

Any advice? How much do your ducks (of any breed) swim?
they just might not want to because its hard for them to get in and out y themselves. mine are in the water All the time, i also have pekins and 1 runner...

1 GC, muscovy ducks and a little mutt. they all love the water.
Oh wow no idea...mine swim, suba dive, snorkel and love love the water.

Can they get in and out by themselves? Is the pool in a sunny area?
If they can't get out when they want, that might make them afraid to swim. Can you add some large rocks under water and/or outside the pond so they can get in and out at will?

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