My duck's nest taken over by a hen

Nancy's girls

In the Brooder
10 Years
Aug 24, 2009
My duck laid a nest of eggs a few weeks ago. Over the last week one of my hens has taken over the nest and the mom duck doesn't seem to care any more. Two questions: One, I would like to move the nest. Is that ok? Two, if I remove the hen from the scene will the duck go back to her nest or is it too late? Do I just let mama hen hatch the ducklings? I guess there is a #3, will my other hens attack the ducklings (this is why I am wanting to move them)?
I would like to move the nest. Is that ok? Yes you can move a broody chicken and her nest
If I remove the hen from the scene will the duck go back to her nest or is it too late? I would think the duck has moved on and will not go back
Do I just let mama hen hatch the ducklings? Why not
Will my other hens attack the ducklings (this is why I want to move them)? I would either move the other hens or the broody and the eggs or maybe you could put up a wall of wire or something to separate them all but yes I wouldn't want the other hens around the ducklings

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