Oh my!!!! She is a beauty!!! Aren't they just the cutest little things with their little kissable necks!!!!
She just looks like mommy material!!!
So who is their daddy?

Got pics?

I probably wouldn't let that cute little thing set that many eggs. Reason being, some are bound to get cold eventually. It would be easier for her to incubate 5 with less chance of them coming out from under her at some point... I would also see that she is isolated so that no other chickens can get in her nest. That's why I lost all 8 of the eggs I had under my broody... only one made it to day 21 and then didn't hatch.
Mahonri, they were all VERY warm when we took them out to candle them. Every last one of them. Suz took some good pics of the roo tonight - BLRW - he is HUGE compared to the rest of the flock, but apparently he is doing his job. He is finally getting his butt feathers back, and he looks really handsome now.

I am waiting for Suz to get online and load them!

We've had the sinus/ cold/ flu gunk going around here.

Even with the chickens... I've lost 3 so far. I'm putting antibiotic in the water but I'm thinking it's not working. We got one to heal up, had her separated for a while... Now we are separating another 4 but I'm afraid to go out there tomorrow morning.

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