My eggs are pipping under broody hen...when can I bring them in?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 26, 2008
Graham, WA
I have no incubator, but a small brood pen with a heatlamp that I keep indoors. This is my first hatching...when can I bring them in? As soon as they break through the shell?
I was going to ask the same thing. Our hen is taking such great care of the baby chicks my husband remarked that is was so much easier than the brooder.
I don't have a separate place for them in the coop. Is it safe to leave them in with the rest of the flock? I've got another broody with 9 eggs and she is nesting in the dog house so I just blocked her in with chicken wire. I bring her food and water every day because she will not leave the nest for anything.
Leave them with their mother hen, hen will do better job than you, especially if you are new to it.

That's the fact of life.

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