My eggs were sopossed to hatch yesterday.


10 Years
Jun 22, 2013
OK so my problem is that i only got 3 chickens out of 14 though more are supposed to hatch tomorrow. I put water in the incubator except one day and everything but yet i only had 4 hatch but one died because he or she couldn't get out all the way. I just bought the thing. It is styrofoam but i thought it would at least have a 70 percent survival rate on the first try. Any recommendations on a new incubator or how i might have done something wrong.
So maybe i can get a better percent survival rate.

Thanks, Dan
I'm in the homme stretch of a horrible hatch, myself. I had a problem come up and had to go out of town on days 12-14. During that time the eggs didn't get turned at all & there was barely any water left in the bowl when we got back. So, i'm chalking it up to that.

Did you have any issues that you can think of? Temp swings? Were the eggs shipped? That can make a difference. Are you sure they were fertile? Did you see any growth at all?
i couldn't candle them because my candler doesn't work on brown big eggs. But there from my farm and i have like 6 roosters with 14 hens in that pen so yeah they should pretty much all be fertilized. I did miss 2 days of water right before hatching would that have an effect on mortality rates?
I am in a similar situation. Just bought an incubator and chicks should be hatching today and for the next three days. Only one egg so far has started to hatch but I think it died :( It hasn't moved in hours! It was pipping earlier but now nothing.

temp is good and stable and humidity is fluctuating from 60 - 75%.

fingers crossed!
I have decided that I just won't do any staggered stuff. I had to toss all of my EE eggs that I had shipped. They just didn't progress. I'm taking a break because my friend is borrowing mmy bator. Then I'll try again & start everybody at the same time.

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