My Evil Chickens


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2021
It all started when the store we bought our chicks from gave us the WRONG chicks. We ordered eight rhode island reds, and instead got eight brown leghorns.

We live close to a city, and although our backyard is pretty big, we were not prepared to have brown leghorns.

As soon as we moved them into the coop they started to peck each other. A lot. Every chicken had a bare back, and no matter how much we quarantined a chicken to grow new feathers, they always fell off again. We are first time chicken owners, and this is horrible. We even let them free range for pretty much 9 hours one day, and they STILL pecked each other.

Finally, we had to get rid of two of the chickens :(
Hopefully it'll help, hopefully all of the others will grow their feathers back.

Now the question is - how can we choose to get new chickens, and make sure that they don't get pecked a lot or start pecking like before?
We tried that too. We got the highest protein feed possible, and they still pecked.
The most common cause of feather pecking/plucking is boredom and overcrowding. Once started it can be a difficult habit to break - Pin Less Peepers can sometimes be used to break the habit. Provide an adequate diet and adequate space, and your next flock should do better.
More details would be helpful here.

1. How old are the birds?
2. How large is their coop? Photos would be great.
3. How large is your yard? Again photos.
4. What are you feeding them?

Photos of the birds would also be good.
I'll take photos in a bit, raining right now.
1) a little less than a year old
2) I think 10x8 feet plus extra space in coop...
3) about 75 feet by 65 feet
4) Kalmbach Feeds 17% layer pellets

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