My "fat" goat **update page 2***. The kids are here!

I had a young doe pregnant when I bought several, so it is possible. She was small and had a hard labor and the kid didn't make it. Just keep an eye on her b/c you may have to help her out!
I've heard of does getting bred at very young ages (often by accident, like an improperly castrated buck or a buck getting into a doe pen), like, four months young. Hopefully your girl has no complications. Do you have a livestock vet who can be available in case of emergency? Like, if she has one BIG buckling in there, those are notorious for causing a first time doe problems. Though she may have zero problems and have a smooth birth. Better to be safe than sorry!
Get a kidding kit ready! Looks like she is due very soon---if she really is only 8-9months old, I'd recommend you get numbers of an experienced goat or sheep owner (or vet) who can help you out if she has a hard time kidding. 3months is way too young to be bred, and the chances of her having a bad kidding are much higher due to her young age.
Are you positive on her age? I have never had a first timer with a bag that big before kidding? Most of mine get a small bag, then after kidding it blows up (used to run 40 boer does, but did have 2 saanens also). She looks older to me. And yes, definetly pregnant! lol.
Any updates??
We have kids! I am positive on her age. She had two doelings yesterday afternoon. No real signs of labor other than she was acting funny so I stayed near. The first one was smaller and easier to come out. I had to help with the second as she was bigger and presented upside down with only one foot forward. I twisted her around and helped get the other foot in position. She's being a good mom and mom and kids are doing well!!


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