My feed


9 Years
Jun 14, 2013
Hello all I was just wondering if i could switch my chickens from layer crumbles to scratch feed, and oyster shells. With greens ( because I free range them somewhat and they have a large run all the time.
Hello all I was just wondering if i could switch my chickens from layer crumbles to scratch feed, and oyster shells. With greens ( because I free range them somewhat and they have a large run all the time.
No, the layer feed has all the nutrients that your birds need.
Scratch, free ranging and oyster shells wont have enough nutrients.
Oh I was wanting to do it because I don't like the way the layer feed looks, it looks to processed if you know what I mean.
Can you think of any other option. Thank you for your reply.
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Certified organic is produced without herbicides or pesticides; there is a formal (and expensive) process that must be done to advertise and sell as organic. Products not certified organic may have been raised with herbicides and/or pesticides, or not, but the producers haven't gone through the formal program. Most grains in the US are from fields that are treated in some way, unless certified organic. Mary

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