My fiances EX

HAHAHAHA Connie!!!! I know she still has alot of their stuff mainly becuas he never wants to go over there to get it. I keep telling him to call, make an appointment and WE will go over there. I know what he is afraid of. ME with her!
I'm assuming that the split wasn't her idea?! If not, she is just trying to hold on to ANY hope of getting him back. Why don't you meet her on the porch and whoop a$$. That way there will be no question as to whether or not he's interested.
It happens you get used to it just as it stops!

My husband's ex still occasionally sends letters he never replies to. She sent one 2 years ago when she heard I was pregnant and starting claiming her 5 year old daughter was his. We later find out she took two different guys to court for child support on the same kid! When he asked for a paternity test she stopped writing.

Men come with baggage... and yes, us women are baggage. He's got a good one now though! Just smile and be proud of yourself.
I knwo Debi can't REALLY do that cause then there would be the law involved, but heck, some people are too dumb to roam the streets alone. You just have to show them in a way they can understand. And as long as there's kids involved there will ALWAYS be a reason to drop in.
You know I am Sicilian I could take come over and have the issue solved in about 10 min. I have a mean crazy glare and spatula

Edited to say
.....Or you can always do what I did and answer the door nekid .... they always call afterward.
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