my first chicken meetup!!!


6 Years
May 16, 2013
waxahachie Texas
So I'm pretty excited to be going to my first chicken meet up at the Midlothian feed store. I was in there today buying a few new chicks to add to my flock and get a sack of feed and some meal worms for my chicks and the lady at the counter told me about the meeting. Coupons and free chicks to be given away. I'm kinda excited about this because I have been looking for a group meet up like this to go to for some time. I hope to learn a lot and possibly win a breed that I already don't have. I have barred rocks, rhode island reds, Americanas, black australorp, buff orpingtons, gold sex links, white leghorn,and red pyle old english game bantams. I hope I learn a lot.

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