My First Chicks Came!!


9 Years
Feb 23, 2010
Eastern Shore, VA
Ordered 8 assorted coloured silkie chicks from Ideal! They got here at 7 this morning! All healthy and happy!! and LOUD my goodness! lol. I took a few pictures, excuse the quality I am HORRIBLE at talking pictures

Tried to take a picture of them IN the box but they wanted out bad! lol

Group shot! (one looks like a chipmunk! lol)


And my favorite so far! hard to see in this pic, but his head is really high like he is wearing a tophat!! (I say he but I pray it is a SHE) lol

I am SO excited!! lol
Nice chicks. Did yours come with the "packing peanuts" or did you purchase the extra insurance? I got mine from Ideal yesterday morning. The hatch and ship date was supposed to be 03/03. But, when I emailed Ideal that day to confirm they had shipped, they advised they had already shipped the day before on 03/02. I ordered 15, but received 25.

Looks like you got a nice variety of chicks.
Thank you! I did not get the packing peanuts. I opted instead for insurance (it was only $1.25) and asked for extra straw. I was just too worried about what I would do with a bunch of roosters!! lol. I started doubting myself after, worrying they would be too cold, but thankfully all is well. Mine hatched and shipped on the 3rd as per the shipping label. I am loving them!

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