My first egg!! Yay!


Mar 14, 2022
Hi all, super exciting day for me as I got my first ever egg! šŸ˜:yesss: I believe my chickens are around 16 weeks so I'm really pleased! Just wish I knew which chicken it was from, but I'm going to be paying extra attention over the next few days to make sure everything is going well.

This is it next to a full sized ceramic egg, it's obviously a little smaller, but it's perfect! I noticed some poop next to it, which definitely wasn't there earlier. Is this normal? I assume she must have done it whilst laying or shortly after, as the nest boxes have been totally clean! Thanks


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Congrats! First eggs are always exciting.

I'm impressed your girl actually laid in the proper nest area. First eggs are often laid in an odd location since the pullet hasn't gone through the process before to recognize what is going on.
Congrats! First eggs are always exciting.

I'm impressed your girl actually laid in the proper nest area. First eggs are often laid in an odd location since the pullet hasn't gone through the process before to recognize what is going on.

Thank you! I'm pretty impressed also. I had a look around the coop in case I had been missing some, but I couldn't see any! I got another egg laid today in the same spot too! One of the girls has definitely got the hang of it anyway! šŸ™‚

Am I right in assuming that it will be the same girl laying her second egg 2 days apart? Or do they lay irregularly at the beginning, does anyone know?

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