My first egg!!


Jan 3, 2016
Copperas Cove, TX
I'm a new crazy chicken lady! I've had mine for about 2.5 months now, and had my first egg yesterday. My mixed flock is somewhere between 4-5 months old (age wise), and I love them!
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Congrats on that first egg!

If you have a picture of that first egg, you might want to post it in this thread on member's first eggs!

So glad you are enjoying your flock. Chickens are so much fun to keep!

Make yourself at home here and if you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask.

Welcome to our flock!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join use here! Congratulations on your first egg :celebrate Its always so exciting finding that first little treasure!! I've been the same the last couple of days, after moult and a drop in daylight hours my little polish had stopped laying. But yesterday I found a polish egg in the nest box!! You would think I had never seen an egg with the way I went running in to the house to show it off!
Crazy crazy!!

Hope you are able to post a pic in the link that TwoCrows left for you :D

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow
I tried to upload a picture, but it didn't work. I'm getting a new laptop soon, since my old one broke, and I'm now using my phone only. Perhaps that's the issue...? But thank you for the welcome! I've been connected through the Facebook page for a while
You may need to use the "desktop" version at the bottom of the page instead of the mobile version. Scroll down to the bottom of any page and click on Desktop. I use that for uploading pictures from my phone. Normally I am on my PC. :)
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What a nice looking egg! And a good size too (often the first ones are small).


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