Jan 15, 2016 #1 fnbirdsofmagic Hatching Aug 2, 2015 3 0 9 Oh my goodness, I was so excited to find my present! We have 7 Production Reds (Cherry Eggers) - 6 hens named Dorothy and 1 Rooster named Steve. They are 28 1/2 weeks old. Happy Day!!!!
Oh my goodness, I was so excited to find my present! We have 7 Production Reds (Cherry Eggers) - 6 hens named Dorothy and 1 Rooster named Steve. They are 28 1/2 weeks old. Happy Day!!!!
Jan 15, 2016 #2 Wyorp Rock 🐓 ❤ 🐛 Premium Feather Member 9 Years Sep 20, 2015 59,010 87,263 1,562 Southern N.C. Mountains Congratulations!!! The first ones are so eggciting and wonderful!!
Jan 15, 2016 #3 PNWMountains In the Brooder Oct 6, 2015 8 0 32 Congratulations! Did 4 of them lay on the same day or on different days?
Jan 16, 2016 #4 b.hromada Flock Mistress 14 Years Jan 9, 2009 15,721 971 501 south Florida, Pompano Beach Congrats! Don't you just love it?!! Have fun!