My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

I used to live by a park. The ducks and geese used my above ground pool. Just walked up the steps.
I was told buy someone I was planning on buying geese from that if I bought one of these I would have to dig a hole for it or the geese wouldnt get in. I asked him if they can just hop/fly in he told me no

Ya I dont think I will be doing that lol neighbors would hate!! me.
Ya I asked that guy if I could build a ladder he said the geese werent smart enough to use it lol I will not be buying his geese.
Sometimes chickens are in the mood for mice, sometimes not. I would garbage it if they haven't eaten it in 24 hours. There were opportunities in early fall that I used to catch them dew worms. Well at one point they stopped liking them. It wasn't something I regularly fed them, so guess they are just fickle or they just know what they need.
You could just lay some leftover planks of wood, if you have against the rim of the tub to get waterfowl to walk up it. I used a plank for one side & some chunks of wood on the other for my ducks, created a slope to the rim. It may take awhile, but left alone, they will figure it out.
Sometimes chickens are in the mood for mice, sometimes not. I would garbage it if they haven't eaten it in 24 hours. There were opportunities in early fall that I used to catch them dew worms. Well at one point they stopped liking them. It wasn't something I regularly fed them, so guess they are just fickle or they just know what they need.
Could be the chickens were hoping for some pizazz. Nice bed of lettuce fresh sprouts and gains on the mouse
Haha ya next time maybe I should cook it up for then and take the fur off Maybe they were wanting some sides to go with it lol. I just hope I never get to see them going after a snake or something lol we have a lot of little garter snakes everywhere.

Quick stupid question will crows go after chickens? I havent had to many on the property lately but the last two days one just circles my coop making a lot of noise I was wondering if I should start worrying about it maybe shoot the crow with a BB gun to get him to go away
Never heard of Crows attacking chickens. Probably just looking at their feed. It is cold and I couldn't blame them. Sometimes it is best to ignore what chickens eat. Had allot of snakes in the hay bails I use for the floor so a few got in the coop but I didn't ask where they were after.
ya the only thing I worry about with the snakes is they might go after the eggs maybe?!?! But I think these snakes might be a little small to eat them

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