My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Stupid question but what does goat meat taste like? Is it anything like lamb. I was thinking about getting a spring lamb and killing it for meat next fall. But if I am going to be having/breeding goats for milk and such maybe I should skip getting a lamb and just kill the goats.
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holy fricken crap I just played that and my dogs went nuts not to mention it sounds like a newborn baby. When I get rid of this fox I will def try that with the coyotes. Do you think they will leave if I let them be or so you think they will be next in line to go after my chickens
Stupid question but what does goat meat taste like? Is it anything like lamb. I was thinking about getting a spring lamb and killing it for meat next fall. But if I am going to be having/breeding goats for milk and such maybe I should skip getting a lamb and just kill the goats.
call the "Greek" restraunts in your area, they might be able to prepare goat for you, I had some in Greece and liked it!
Ya only problem is I live up in the mountains lol But if we ever go down into Denver or something we will probably try something.
Goat is VERY strong, needs lots of spice imho - big market for Latino buyers (they love it). You could sell or trade it.

Hey mygirls, pls don't post a pic of the fox (when dead) unless you are very SURE you killed it legally, or some nut may sic the law on you. If you only say you killed it, you can say later you lied cuz you didn want to disappoint people here - but a pic would be hard to explain away. Not sure if you could be traced or if they'd bother on a fox.. In general, make sure you follow the laws,anyway. You are 99% likely to be okay here - but don't make trouble for yourself. Remember, the internet opens you up yo all kinds of crazy people.

Wish we could have goats - zoning only allows chickens.

RIR & rocks are good birds - if you can get $25 for a laying hen, that's good. Consider a RIR roo & a few more RIR hens, as pure chicks may sell better - or go rock roo.. Now try to figure if you can sell "a hen about to start laying" - as young as you can get away with. That way your feed cost is as low as possible, and the buyer knows they'll get full useful life of the bird, even if they have to wait a few weeks or months for eggs. That's how you make it sound like a great deal. No way the buyer is getting ripped off by an older hen. It mightwork.

We're in a city - lots of people here like fancy breeds.

Cheese is not hard to make. Some is tricky tho with many steps & an aging time, like cheddar. Other, like mozzarella, is ready right away. You may have to do a few batches to "get" the process. Main problem for us is poor curd formation, cuz of store milk - heat pasteurization can harm the curd protein. Much easier to get curd with raw milk.. Just make sure it's good milk - that you clean udders and so on. Read up on safety w/ raw milk cheese (of course you know that).

Oh, as to predator questions - something will replace the fox, yes, & go after birds. Sometimes shooting coyotes, they say, causes bigger litters or more breeding females - and even MORE coyotes later.. Who knows. Killing a bold fox is important, but a good strong fence &coop is main defense, as has been said.
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Thanks for posting that rabbit distress call - tho it freaked me out. And I already knew what it'd sound like! It's very unsettling.

You could prolly play that clip off an iPad and lure foxes or coyotes - like you do w/ your cell. .Amazing!. You don't need to buy a call any more! Man!

I will have to try that. Anyway, now you all know what we're talkin about.. And varmit calling just got crazy easy.. Shellz, you gonna try it?

MYgirls, I should add - You should make coyotes VERY scared of you and your property. Shoot em. We got coyotes in the city so bold now that they attack toddlers in parks! It's not that common yet, but its happening too often. One brave Latina nanny noticed a kid being dragged off - coyote had the child by its SKULL - mouth on the poor kid's head. She grabbed the child's legs and got the coyote to let go & run. The child lived, thank God.

Fear of you will decrease their raids on your land and increase your birds' safety.. Coyotes kill goats, of course, so don't let em.. Keep em sacred of you and put goats inside a secure shed or building at night - and see if your dogs will protect them. People w/ big herds (flocks?) use great Pyrenees Mnt guard dogs.

And then, I once had a lady tell me that WE were the ones invading the coyotes' homeland - ugh. City people ... Oh don't get me started.. Not all of them, but too many are so naive and ignorant of nature and where food comes from, it blows my mind! :confused:
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I think the- coyotes got wind of all that chicken you are putting out maybe one of them took the bait and your dead hen- probably could reach in far enough just with his jaws to take stuff without touched the trigger

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