My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

It's hard to figure this out, sometimes. Camp Freezer is a one way destination - that's why I thought of separation, if possible.

The red star roo would create semi red star offspring, kind of RIR I'd guess.

JG & red star hens ... Who knows. Might be an interesting combo.
Well one of my dogs is a dogo argentino and he actually attacked the fox tonight when the fox came back around. But I swear not 30 mins later that stupid fox was back... was even ballsy enough to walk up my porch to my front door. :/
wow that fox had balls to mess with a dogo again im going to get a olimpic kango its a kangal xdogo cross its a liget dog i have one named roxy ligit also love chikens also they call this breed/ cross The Olympic Farm dog here is roxy the dark apircot one to the left
love thease dogs
roxy the most lol her bro
cant take pics with i pod not working. dogs are good prtectors
of spciley goats
my take on dogos
good dogs love kids boer boals loves to please his/her master btw this is roxys sire
mandela he is prety retarded like roxy
I am waiting about 3 more weeks for the weather to warm up and I will pull the Rangers and put them in the Turkey coop that is unused till May. I have an automatic watering system that feeds all the coops but it is good until it goes below 18*. This may be a waste as The ranger has always been a leader of the coop, just not into mating, even when the Giants were little. But I am Stubborn and want to give him one more try before his name is Stew, some say he may have been too young. I plan to get rid of one of the Giants when they get bigger but I am thinking of getting a frying pan special this spring. Its like 20 cockerel chicks for $25 and build a light fenced in enclosure for the 10 weeks and he could be a great watch bird. The reason for 2 Black Jersey Giant Roos is simple, I have no way to replace their blood line. They were eggs from Florida so starting over would be like another year. Rangers are good eats and have large breasts and good leg meat. Once the breading season is over they are all going. The egg ratio from meat birds is poor so far, an egg every three days or so. The preditors around here are too many to Free range, I am sure a Giant could handle house cats but dogs and Hawks are another.
Frigginchi ya they are really trying to mess with a ton of gun laws it just makes people go out and buy more guns and ammo hints my problems with getting a gun in the first place. All of CO is pretty much sold out of ammo. But whatever these crazies are just helping to arm the smart americans. I highly doubt that they can take our rights away with the type of people that live in Colorado we still have a lot of farmers in the state the city folk have taken over denver but in the mountains and out east people still want to protect themselves. If they did start walking up door to door to take peoples guns away I believe a civil war will break out (not trying to sound crazy but its the truth) Americans need to stop laying down to get kicked and stand up for what they believe in as we have already discussed Men have slowly turned into babies not even knowing how to shoot a gun or change the oil on their cars. Everyone seems to only care about what fancy crap they can get out of life and dont give a crap about how we are suppose to live out lives freely. They turn their backs on god and stop disciplining their children Kids are growing up with no right from wrong gene and causing major problems.

Anyways thats my rant sorry I have been gone for so long got sick and have been super busy around the house.

12hensnoroo those dogs are so pretty :) Ya I have two kids two somewhat puppies and 18 chickens lol I have heard those dogs are very good with livestock but I dont want another pup right now lol. The newborn thing (waking up every two hours to feed or let outside) is not something I want to deal with again right now haha.
We have a Cane Corso too and from what I have seen so far he is super gentle with the chickens he just lays by the coop doesnt even try to chase them around like the dogo does. He (the cane corso) is also an amazing family dog. My kids love him and he takes on more crap from them then any other dog I have seen :)
I wish it weren't a problem, but it's a huge one - the rural hijacking of our country. The founders wanted to prevent 'the tyranny of the 51,' meaning that even in a democracy things can go bad (and have historically - even in ancient Athens there were heinous things done).

(the tyranny is that 51% can enslave the 49)

Even tho the constitution clearly allows private gun ownership, people will try to claim it does not by twisting the words.

Guns kill, and guns save.. But when a person drives off an intruder or stops a lunatic with a weapon, it hardly makes the news. If at all. This doesn't fit their 'narrative' - which is 'you are helpless & need big brother to take care of you.'. Sick, but it's their craven path to power.. The trouble is that most people are sheep and can be tricked into fearing us - private gun owners - when they should really be terrified of big brother - a possibility I no longer dismiss as absurd.
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NH, thought I read red stars - rangers - yeah, meat birds. Those too are hybrids, IIRC, and won't breed true. You could always get a few N.J. G pullet chicks tossed into an order - many hatcheries will work with you - or do you also have N.J. G hens?

How are N.J. G for eating? I've read mixed reviews - some say good, some say grainy meat, strong taste (could have bee too old for roasting - you gotta stew past a certain age of course).

Those are nice looking dogs. I'm wary of any line from a fighting breed, but in dogo they tried to breed out dog vs dog instinct so they could hunt in a pack. I'm not bad with dogs - I just feel more comfortable with a breed I know - one I grew up with.. If one day I were to seriously boar hunt , tho, who knows. I also like them much better with natural ears, too.
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Those are nice looking dogs. I'm wary of any line from a fighting breed, but in dogo they tried to breed out dog vs dog instinct so they could hunt in a pack. I'm not bad with dogs - I just feel more comfortable with a breed I know - one I grew up with.. If one day I were to seriously boar hunt , tho, who knows. I also like them much better with natural ears, too.

Dogos are big males getting about 120 If your not comfortable with a breed I agree with not getting it. Thats how people mess up dogs is cause they have no clue what they are doing (not saying thats you steamroo) Dogo's are not a dog fighting breed when they thought they were dont making the dogos they found they were to dog agr and put down the whole line and started over. Buliwfy our dogo loves other dogs sometimes he gets attacked by smaller ones and he doesnt do anything just tries to run away lol its pretty funny to watch. He does have a super hunting tick though and will follow any scent he finds for as long as we let him. I wish I could use him to hunt but he broke his back leg as a pup and I dont want to risk his safety.

Its also hard to find a breeder that will keep natural ears you have to usually find a breeder before pups are born and hold a dog saying you dont want cropped ears (even then most breeders wont do it cause cropped ears are the breed standard) and if you are going to boar hunt I would crop the ears. the first thing a boar tries to grab are the ears thats why they take them off. A lot of evil people made the crop ears look bad cause they were fighting their dogs and trying to make them look mean. When their ears arent cropped they also just look like big white labs lol.

I wish it weren't a problem, but it's a huge one - the rural hijacking of our country. The founders wanted to prevent 'the tyranny of the 51,' meaning that even in a democracy things can go bad (and have historically - even in ancient Athens there were heinous things done).

(the tyranny is that 51% can enslave the 49)

Even tho the constitution clearly allows private gun ownership, people will try to claim it does not by twisting the words.

Guns kill, and guns save.. But when a person drives off an intruder or stops a lunatic with a weapon, it hardly makes the news. If at all. This doesn't fit their 'narrative' - which is 'you are helpless & need big brother to take care of you.'. Sick, but it's their craven path to power.. The trouble is that most people are sheep and can be tricked into fearing us - private gun owners - when they should really be terrified of big brother - a possibility I no longer dismiss as absurd.

Well no matter what people will find a way to harm others... It kinda stupid when you think about it people can always build simple bombs and buy knives ect. you cant outlaw everything in the world that can be used to hurt someone. I used to work with a company that provided snacks and soap, shampoo and clothes to prisons and jails all over the US you cant imagine the things those people can come up with. In turn if they outlaw guns then only the bad people will get them. In mexico gun are not legal no one but the cops are suppose to own them and we all see how that is going for them.

People have lost their American fight and spirit and it sickens me at times.

PS people forget the first murder in history was done with a rock not a gun
I am waiting about 3 more weeks for the weather to warm up and I will pull the Rangers and put them in the Turkey coop that is unused till May. I have an automatic watering system that feeds all the coops but it is good until it goes below 18*. This may be a waste as The ranger has always been a leader of the coop, just not into mating, even when the Giants were little. But I am Stubborn and want to give him one more try before his name is Stew, some say he may have been  too young. I plan to get rid of one of the Giants when they get bigger but I am thinking of getting a frying pan special this spring. Its like 20 cockerel chicks for $25 and build a light fenced in enclosure for the 10 weeks and he could be a great watch bird. The reason for 2 Black Jersey Giant Roos is simple, I have no way to replace their blood line. They were eggs from Florida so starting over would be like another year. Rangers are good eats and have large breasts and good leg meat. Once the breading season is over they are all going. The egg ratio from meat birds is poor so far, an egg every three days or so. The preditors around here are too many to Free range, I am sure a Giant  could handle house cats but dogs and Hawks are another.  

Sorry, if I seemed gruff. My apologies. There are many ways to raise poultry. I totally understand the need for extra roosters. Bloodlines, predation, etc,..
Something else I've heard about: a flock of 40 dark cornish will chase a coyote. Not sure I believe it. Have heard of JGs scaring hawks though. I certainly don't blame you for penning your birds. That is wise. Better safe than sorry. Predators are just drawn in when chickens are on the menu.

I'm toying now with idea of a separate egg laying flock, and mixing up different breeds of heritage meat birds. Quite the projects.
Yeah, understood about dogo - I know they're not pitbulls, but the original line was a fighter. They bred it out, but is it all gone in all dogs - of course a g ret can bite, too - but won't kill. (if so, it's very rare) - but a 120 lb dog, if it bites, it's bad -- and yeah, not sure I'd want a dog that big. Great breed tho, for the right person.. If their scenting instincts are good, I bet they'd do great.

You'd be surprised what people hunt with Jack Russels - leopard! I know someone who saw that, and the little JR was amazing. Got clawed but lived.. Anyway, you don't always need a huge dog - and we don't have enough land really - baiting feral hogs would be much simpler.

I hear ya. A guy with a baseball bat can kill helpless people. You don't need a multi shot rifle to murder people - that evil McVeigh killed hundreds with fertilizer.

But you do need a good rifle to defend yourself, especially from tyranny - and modern urbanites don't get this. They're already slaves, anyway - to big companies or the gov't, if they have a gov't job - they're just blind to the big picture and ignorant of our history.

And perfectly willing to force their ignorance, by myopic laws, on the rest of us.
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eekkk Jack Russels scare the crap out of me. I got attacked by two of them a few years back those things tore up my arms once they get a hold of something they start swinging in circles. I took my Husbands old french bulldog out to go potty and out of nowhere these jacks come running up to us I picked up our dog Harley and they still attacked. My sweatshirt was torn I was kicking them and I guess screaming for my hubby he had to come out of our condo grab a stick and beat these stupid little dogs off me. I still have scars all over my arms.

I love dogs but little dogs get away with way much more then big ones. I know this sounds stupid but I have only ever been bit by small dogs and so have a few of my friends even my daughter got snapped at by a small dog. I stick with the big ones lol I grew up around pitbulls so I guess big dogs dont really scare me to much.

Had a huge group of bull elk (13 of them) go through my yard last night. So far they are the only ones I have seen two of them were huge about 16points (if not more a piece) they were so pretty and it really made me want to go hunting lol.

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