My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

Yeah, blucoondawg. Was thinking I would need a separate hunting dog then. I have LOTS of time to mull it all over & do more research. Jake is only 6 years old, but I'd like to be prepared to make the decision when the time comes. Both breeds sound really good! I wonder what raising a couple of these pups together might be like?
We raised our pups together Timed it perfectly and got them from the same breeder. Our dogs are only two weeks apart. It was worth it I think I also got males because female dogs rarely want to listen to female humans it a constant pissing test. Plus males always get bigger :) I always hated bring in a new dog when our current one was use to everything just to many fights. Having them both grow up together really helped plus less pup whining they have each other to play with so no need to constantly bug people for attention :)
Thanks MyGirls! Going to be seriously broke when its over, but so worth it! Didn't have a chance to see he far they got yesterday. Looked out this morning & what's left is half a wall of armor stone to install under where bridge will go. 2 smaller culverts are done & look great! All framed with armor stone & new river rock lining bottom of the creek at the outlets. Nice so far!
The stone is a great Idea trust me. We have a culvert that follows our drive way it was 8" deep and 2 ft wide We got hit by over 5" of rain overnight. Thank goodness we had our driveway paved due to prior blow outs but my 8" culvert became 2 feet deep yikes.I had some guys look and quote but the winner called on a Wednesday saying he was off on a vacation and needed cash so he got rock in on Friday and filled the trenches before the driveway caved in. I have a 14" culvert pipe where the culvert crosses over to a pond and sometimes it is too small and water rushes over but the rock prevents undercutting.
My half hound got a squirrel yesterday that was tormenting her. I t would hang upside down and shake the bird feeder and it would care less when she charged the door. I opened the door and it did not move until I was almost on it. I could shoot it or I could block off the deck hoping the dog would not run off. I cracked the door open and held the dog while the fearless rodent feasted. I opend the door and she flew out and grabbed it. Problem solved, no more dog barking every 4 min.
I saw that Crosman makes air guns big enough to take out pests, it was a .25 cal and it used an air pump or tank. They even make a .357 rifle that can kill a hog! Good video on their site. Expensive yes but it was quiet. Any one looking for an Ar 15 I saw some yesterday when I went to get some rifle stock oil at our local sporting goods store. He even had a ruger mini 14 and a couple of SKS rifles so maybe the gun glut is slowing down?
I was thinking 2 males too! Great idea.
Good to hear you narrowly avoided a disaster in your driveway, 3 NH reds. You just never know what can happen! We were told if we did this, it would be a permanent fix to all the problems we were having. Yay! Loved your squirrel story too! I remember tag-teaming a squirrel with my mutt last year. It was awesome! Didn't manage to hit it with air gun, but scared it enough to come down and get taken by my dog. Talk about some fast action! Holy cow! I've never seen him move so fast! Squirrel was killed mighty quick. The 'men' here don't like it when I go after them. Fine, I took down all the bird feeders. Heard they can spread nasties to my chickens anyways. Now he misses the birds. Sigh! Yeah, those high-powered air guns sure have their place. Wish we had them when we moved here. I used to hate the noise of hubby's .243. I've become accustomed & don't care who hears them anymore! But I can see if a neighbour's unruly dog comes to your property looking for chicken dinner, that kind of gun would be great! IF in your area this was legal. SSS.

Wow Steemroo! Very wrong indeed! That sounds insane! Me thinks police training isn't up to snuff! I know there is a very strict process here for hiring. There's the physical exam, theory exam & psychological exam. I once went to a hiring seminar just to check it out. Maybe they're just so desperate for candidates down there? I dunno. Crazy!
Shellz, I hate to tell you, but we have excellent training. This can happen anywhere. THe whole issue of needing police and police corruption - and police incompetence - it's a bad tangle.

Cops have always been heavy handed - or some have - and were notorious for civil rights violations against non whites - and in big cities corruption has been rampant since the 1800s.

I'm just saying the issue isn't so simple as your common sense suggests. Police abuse has been on the rise down here and amazingly is often under reported, still. We were all taught to trust cops as kids. You can trust many of them, but not all. Something is badly wrong in our society - this is just one symptom of it.

Are you SURE your own cops and officials are all as good as you've suggested? Maybe in the west, in the country - but in your big cities? If you google around, you will find stuff that isn't so pleasant - Toronto, Montreal - and so on. Yeah, our problems are worse, but I'm sorry to tell you that it's just a matter of time before it reaches you.

This is hard because we feel disloyal criticizing cops and 'civil servants' who are 'only here to help us' - but the trouble is that they are helping themselves and turning us into their servants. The USA was built by self reliant, vigorous and independent people, not by a government.. We now have rotted internally. We have cultural cancer, and we're in huge trouble because of it.

My ancestors were pioneers and did not have, need or want police protection on the frontier. The police, world wide - just look at how other cultures use their cops. To repress people and keep power in the hands of a small ruling class. This issue is very complex - that's all I'm saying. I do not pretend to have answers. I just know that something stinks here!

(also we'll never know how much gets covered up - the news is already trying to protect the current fuster cluck in so cal - "anyone could have made this mistake" is the meme they're pushing - anyone?? Yeah, well "anyone" fired 24 rounds into a pickup with two women when they were looking for a 6 foot plus 260 pound man - and then a surfer - the van didn't even begin to match Dorner's vehicle - if this doesn't put the spotlight on why you can not trust the police, I don't know what does! It's high time we de-brainwash ourselves - yeah, it's hard - cuz in Kindergarten we're shown the poster of Mr. Policeman and told he's "good" and we can "always trust him" - and we want to believe that. But it's time for all of us to grow up and face reality here - cops have too much power, and their excesses get ignored or covered up far too often. I'm not saying they're all bad. Sadly the good ones get hurt because the bad ones get protected, not fired - far too often (and when they get fired, they can turn into Dorner! We can't win!). I'm not saying what to do here - I don't know - and don't throw a false dichotomoy at this issue, please - like "what, you wanna get rid of all cops then?" NO! I want this crap to end! I want some sanity to reurn to my society. And I don't know how to get it, but we have to start trying).
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Well said Steemroo. I'm sure you're right. When I was young, gang violence was unheard of. Now it appears to be on the rise in the cities. I guess has been for some time now. Ugh! We have been victims of various crimes in 4 major cities that we have lived in. Have yet to see any here in the country, but its early yet. I keep hoping its better here than any city.
You could extend your argument on how our ancestors were repressed also by the heads of a certain religion, but that would be opening up a whole new can of worms!!! In any case, you present some intelligent thoughts on the subject of police corruption. I'm sure it does exist here. It's not a perfect world here either.
Hey Shellz, yeah religion is a big can of worms! Politics and police problems are bad enough! Hah.

If I may say, I also prefer to speak of corrupt religious leaders (and I'm glad you said it this way - I'm editing to make sure I'm clear on this - I wasn't at first go, sorry), not religion in general - because religion can be used for good or evil (and does far more good than evil in this world, at least mine does). Christianity clearly teaches against what certain big, historical churches have done over the centuries (and what one still tries to get away with - boys and priests - what were they thinking?!) - and even some Protestants - mostly Puritans - burned witches (I have no Puritan ancestors that I can find - which makes me feel great - Puritans were nuts if not downright evil). It is quite sad that certain leaders betrayed the wonderful message of Jesus.

A personal relationship with God is very healthy. A sane church where you feel comfortable - and one from which you can leave if you want - is a blessing. See, for centuries you had no choice in religion. You had to go with the mainstream or be persecuted. Jesus would not have tolerated this - he was a champion of the individual and not the state - and not orthodox or embedded leaders who falsely used religion as a cover for maintaining power. Certain churches became heavily corrupted and veered from the truth, from the real message, which is tragic.

One of the wonderful things that happened in America is that very little structured religion came over at first - at least into what is now the USA and Canada. Yeah, the Puritans and the Quakers - they were a minority! They get way, way too much coverage in history books. Pioneers typically lived far from churches and worshiped in small groups - or the family took care of it. To the extent they attended church, they had freedom - they could change churches if one "went bad" - or could move to another area. For example, Daniel Boone was born a Quaker, but that church turned on his father because Boone's sibling married a non-Quaker - and that group harassed and threatened the Boone family - so they moved and quit that religion! AMEN! Churches were forced to come face-to-face with centuries of policies that were wicked - and ones Jesus clearly would have decried - and had to clean up their acts (or face empty pews!). They didn't do so perfectly, but there are many excellent churches in the USA that are not cults - that are not abusive - where you can go to worship and feel welcome and uplifted, not oppressed. Which is what a church is supposed to do.

I'm just suggesting we keep in mind that there's a distinction between abusive and heavy-handed old-style churches (where you can't leave - if you do you "go to hell") - and modern ecumenical Protestant churches which, for the most part - are healthy places that inspire a lot of good. In an ecumenical Protestant church you are not harassed or threatened if you tell them you're going to leave for another church. They wish you well - they'll say they're sorry they didn't work for you - and that's it.

Again, the key phrase here is: individual freedom. Put another way: choice. This sheds cleansing light into the bad places where evil people try to hide their wickedness and deprives them of the tools they need to control us, to spread their power. This is why individual freedom and choice are under so much heavy fire right now. I used to not fear cops. I do now.
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Wow, that was a refreshing read!
Yes, I'm aware how one particular church in Quebec's history, that poisoned a lot of French minds against the English. Very sad really. A lot of the Quebec people, to this day, have a very distorted view of their own history.
Anyway, we have been so dissolutioned by religion in its entirety. But I will say, there's something to be said for the human spirit. We don't feel the need to belong to a church, but we strive to do good whenever the moment presents itself. Right now I'm sitting on over 10 dozen extra eggs that I will donate to my nearest food bank. I was able to donate over 300 eggs last year. Lol, chicken math!
I guess there will always be crazy folks, but yes, I fear they are becoming more common. Something is going very wrong in the world for sure. My best guess - over population. More crazies by sheer volume of people in a given area. But that's just over-simplifying it. Like you, I don't have an answer either.
Shellz, I just edited my above post to make clear my point - it wasn't clear the first way I wrote it. Sorry about that!

I'm sorry you can't find a church or w/e type of organization that you'd like. This is entirely normal.

I'm lucky I grew up in a very tolerant and liberal church. Had I grown up, like some of my friends, in an oppressive church - maybe I'd feel the same. That said, I have trouble being a good church-goer. I'll miss some Sundays, but I'm drawn back - and our church is pretty much perfect. Smartest, wisest, best educated pastor I've ever met - nice people.&mbps; still It's hard for me. Just do your best, listen to your heart - see what happens. And if u need to take care of this yourselves, that's okay. You're not "going to hell" because you don't drag your bottom to a building once a week and sit there for an hour!
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