My first Fox attack that ended in a kill

One of the factors that's really influencing the world is electronic media. It used to be, for better or worse, that media content (books, newspapers, plays - even early television to some extent) was controlled, centralized. In Europe there was outright censorship. Here it was more that regular working folk couldn't afford to waste time on it - only rich, more educated people could - so they were the main clientelle of the media.

All that has changed! Everyone has leisure time now and "disposable income." The media has lowered its sites and standards to primarily service the "unwashed" - the "uneducated" (I say those words guardedly and with hesitation) - really young people (advertizers want suckers). The media has become what circus side shows and freak shows were 100 years ago. So much has changed in the past 100 years - all the old ways for better or worse have been turned upside down (and a lot of babies have gone out with the bath water). The changes - the effects from this shock wave (or is it a shlock wave?) have only just started.

Hardly anyone talks about this in the media - or even in academia. It's going to get a lot more pronounced as time passes. Brace for impact.
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Have any of you read the ' cop killer's' manifesto? I won't blame you if you don't want to, but it is fascinating. I know he did evil things - but his words were not what I expected.

Don't necessarily read it all - but at least the first quarter to half. He's not the whack job the media is painting. What he did was evil, but he was sane, very calculating - cold - but also very hurt and angry. Humiliated. He was a proud warrior carrying a lot of wounds - and they pushed him too far - if his words are at least somewhat true.

Not saying his murders were justified ! Not at all.. Just that if he's even 20% truthful, LAPD is fubar.. They are reaping what they've sowed - lapd is.

Be careful if you choose to read his words. He was evil - or made very evil choices - so don't be seduced by his spell. Don't let him get inside your head. Don't be too persuaded by him, but do wonder - which is the greater evil - his murders or LAPD's climate of hell, if his accusations are real (and they might be)?
Oh wow, I totally agree with you. I've got nothing against religion for those who find comfort in it. But should be a platform for bringing out the best in us all.
Omg, the media. You got that right! Pandering to the lowest common denominator? Aside from that, a good percentage of it is distorted. I've seen this first hand in the newspaper & t.v. news. Exaggerations or outright lies. It happens. I think if the majority of folks would just stop craving all the negativity that the media spits out, maybe the world would change for the better. There needs to be a major shift in people's attitudes. I believe things will change, but will take some time. A long time, I think.
Oh wow, I totally agree with you. I've got nothing against religion for those who find comfort in it. But should be a platform for bringing out the best in us all.
Omg, the media. You got that right! Pandering to the lowest common denominator? Aside from that, a good percentage of it is distorted. I've seen this first hand in the newspaper & t.v. news. Exaggerations or outright lies. It happens. I think if the majority of folks would just stop craving all the negativity that the media spits out, maybe the world would change for the better. There needs to be a major shift in people's attitudes. I believe things will change, but will take some time. A long time, I think.

These are the babies I want to get lol One male and one female they are about 1/3-1/4 of the size of a normal Milk cow Arent they cute dont eat as much so cost would be low and it would totally take care of a families dairy needs plus you can breed them and butcher the calves when they turn one (sometimes even younger) and that could probably take care of a small families beef needs
I haven't heard of female dogs not listening to female people but it would explain why my dog rarely listens to my wife yet listens well to me, I just attributed it to her being my dog and spending more time with her. We have a teddy bear dog named Jasper as well he doesn't listen to me at all but does listen to my wife, he is sort of aloof lol.
Ya dogs do the whole alpha female/male thing. Males usually do better with female owners and Females usually do better with males. Where do you think the word B **** came from lol I use to breed pit bulls with a ex and I hated all my females but one. They always looked at him like the Alpha male and thought they were the Alpha female lol I am not saying female humans and dogs cant live together I have had a few females I loved but I just think males are easier. Our last female dog that my husband and I had would just look at me like I was stupid when I told her to do something she totally latched to my husband and didnt think that she needed to listen to anyone else. A hunting remote shock collar cleared that up pretty quickly :)
Mygirls, What breed is that? Cute lil calves!. Make sure you socialize em with the dogs - but you know that!

We only had beef cattle - weren't there every day to milk. Ours were huge and mean - Brangus. Thank goodness none of us got hurt working them. Needless to say I don't feel guilty eating beef.

If you want a vacation you will need a friend to milk em for you.

Also, milk will be down when with calf - and you won't have use of the milk if you let her nurse it. Maybe you have worked with diary cows before.. I just know from our old country neighbors.

Funny, I have had little trouble with male dogs. But I do project what I think is the right aura to dogs - firmness and authority - but also the right amount and type of kindness. I talk to them - and I think they pick up that I expect a certain attitude from them. But I also make the dog feel good when he is being right, being good.. It takes effort. They're pretty smart, and as long as you have picked a pup who wants to please, you will have a good dog. That is the whole trick - read your puppy before you take it. If you take in a bad or selfish pup, it will be hard.. A working breed needs yo be worked.

Shells, yeah some of us need religion whether we like it or not.. I hope people who find themselves stuck (like in a cult) can find the strength to get out and find something better. Have you seen the shows on the ex Amish - who leave? So sad! So sad that those who stay are obsessed with fear of hellll and not living - Martin Luther preached otherwise. He said to sin boldly but believe in God all the more. In other words don't be afraid of living, of making mistakes. John Calvin is to blame for the Amish and most of the cranky Protestant sects.. Luther preached about God who loves.

As to the Dorner manifesto, again read with caution. He chose the low road. He was a proud warrior, and pride did him in. Pride and despair, and lack of faith.. However, if only a little of what he alleges about LAPD is true, it is bad. I wonder how many other forces are like this?
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