My first Green Egg!!!


8 Years
Apr 22, 2011
Springfield, GA
I was expecting my EE's to lay last because they are a week younger than my BA's and two weeks younger than my Del who has been laying for 2 weeks. I knew someone was going to start laying because I found a softshell egg on the poop board yesterday morning. Never would have guessed it was from one of my EE girls. Theis combs aren't even really red or developed. But I just had to share a picture with someone! So here it is next to a store bought egg and an egg from my Del. I am shocked at how dark it is.

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how exciting!!!
i wouldn't be able to crack a single one!! i would blow them all and keep them for decorations!!!
i think that's the real reason my hubby only wants brown egg layers
he know's we'd have eggs all over the house

what a gorgeous color!

one of my EE hens was the first to lay out of all my 19 hens (!!) and her egg was a pale blue color - green is my favorite color, so i'm hoping one of the other EE girls will lay some eggs like yours for us!
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