My first peachick of the year! (pic)

Take duct tape and handle it alot to remove most of the stickieness then use the tape to attach those pipe cleaner shoes. Why have you been unsuccessful please explain further, will the toes not straighten?
The toes just won't straighten. He/She always pulls it off.

That is too bad, are you using black pipe cleaners? I know peafowl seem to be extra interested in pecking white objects, so maybe the peachick is interested in the tape if it is white. Maybe if you keep re-attaching the shoes the peachick will finally give up trying to pull them off.
I am going to put it on again, but this time I am going to watch to make sure he/she doesnt pull it off again.
Also I have 6 eggs due in about 2 weeks. Doesn't look like I am going to have a very good hatch rate this time around. Candled them last night and looks like 3-4 are developing right but the other have what it looks to be like a floating vein in the shape of a circle, anybody know what that is? Also set 7 more eggs yesterday!
Here is a picture that I thought was just to cute to not share! I think it is very weird how they sleep on their side with their feet hanging out.

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