My first peacock. How do I know...


13 Years
Aug 10, 2009
This is the first peafowl of any kind that we have ever had. The man we got him from said that he is a yearling India Blue. He was kept with the chickens and got whatever they got. So how do I know...
If he is an IB? Or a yearling? And what do I feed him? We've been giving him scratch, corn, chick feed and pheasant feed. Should I look for any signs of illness since he was with chickens? We have him seperated from our chickens, just to be safe.

He has white on the chest and his crest is kinda narrow and upright. What do you guys think?
yes a yearling male , if tight crest ,then a low % spalding. Feed a high % feed 20% to 24 %....scratch to low % for peafowl
His food is 1/2 pheasant crumbles(24%), 1/4 chick crumbles(20%) and 1/4 scratch/bird seed. I also sprinkle some layer pellets or whole kernal dried corn on top as "garnish". I didn't want to change his food too much and cause him undue stress. Can I eventually change over to something like a turkey starter?
Also, will his crest fill out as he gets older? I wish he would stand still long enough for me to take a decent picture.
And what's with the popping noise he keeps making? Just stress?
I'm no expert by any means with peafowl, as I've only had mine for a couple months (roughly) but I feed a mix of cracked corn, BOSS, gamebird feed (but I find that my pea's like chick starter...24% much better), and I add some high protein level cat food. I found that the cheap kind of cat food at my farm store usually runs around 30% protein level. I just mix it all together. After I got my peafowl I wormed them both with Wazine 17 for 3 days just in case. You know, taking precautionary boy was thin and it was recommended to worm him so I did. He's put on weight since then and looks much fuller and healthier.

His noises are normal pea noises...maybe he's telling you he needs a peahen

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