My first turkey

Unfortunately, I do not. I've found that most links online either regurgitate information or they will put information that contradicts what everyone else's website says. I get all of my information from people who keep chickens and modified their practices to better suit my turkeys.
I guess the best information I can offer is that there is good toms and lazy toms. I had a very good tom (that unfortunately died of a heat stroke) and had to replace him with my backup tom. My back up tom is very lazy. He gets the job done and has some good breeding qualities, but just lacks personality wise and does not take charge in the right way. He will chase his girls off at feeding time and will not follow them around the yard, making sure that they are safe. But, I will not cull him because he is inexperienced at dealing with the girls and the previous tom was like that when I first got him as well. So, I will give him a few more months to develop into a good tom.
Another good slice of information I will give you, is that everyone, and I mean everyone and their mothers, have different ways of dealing with their turkeys. I prefer to deal with mine by free ranging them with chickens and ducks, because all of mine have developed to benefit from each other (when the rooster sounds the alarm that there is a predator around, the turkey hens know to hide and the toms will generally keep most predators at bay from all of the other poultry). I also prefer to feed my turkeys feed that I mix up myself. Other people will say absolutely do not allow your turkeys anywhere near other poultry and feed it only certain feeds.
The last part of information I will offer is that kiddie swimming pools are your friends. Putting swimming pools out in the yard for the turkeys to take a dip in during summer is a great way of keeping them cooled down. I will walk outside sometimes and see three turkeys and a group of ducks in the little 4' swimming pool all getting cooled down. But, always provide a drinking ish so that they do not drink out of the pool water.

If I think of anything else, I will try to help out. What kind of turkeys did you get?

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