My girl and boy


In the Brooder
Apr 14, 2020
Hello all I have two backyard chickens and let’s just say I intended to have two hens ended up with a rooster and now he reached the noise making age. I just want to say if it was up to me and I didn’t have neighbors I would let the guy belt his crows all day and night. However this is not the case. I’m like heartbroken for even thinking about this but I think I have to give him up...I just spent a ton of money on a new coop so let me reiterate this, it was never the plan. I just can’t imagine the female surviving alone. My question is do I give them both up or find more chicks to adopt or do I need to bring in a young hen so my hen is not left alone without a mate. Do hens do well with baby chicks until theyve aged or do they need someone in their age group right away? Thank you. The worst part is he’s the sweetest roo I’ve heard of.
You have a few options here.

1) You could get a no-crow collar for your rooster. This is supposed to soften his crows so they are not as audible. This one is expensive but works if you put it on right.
2) Rehome the rooster and hen together.
3) Get some new chicks. This could be dangerous as adult chickens may pick on babies at first. I have known success, though.
4) Get an older pullet or two. This way, they are less likely to get picked on. Make sure you quarantine them first.

Hope this helps!
as of now I take them into the garage from 8(when he starts crowing) to 10am and once the neighbors are up theyre free to range. The garage does a great job muffling the crowing and its super large and ventilated

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