My girls are getting into fights


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014
North Dakota
Out of all my 20 some chickens , 2 of the 20 chickens always fight each other and 1 of them i just got about 2 weeks ago from someone who had said that they were 1 year but i can tell that she is to old to lay eggs and the other chicken always picks on her.What do I do to stop it?
.... 2 of the 20 chickens always fight each other and 1 of them i just got about 2 weeks ago from someone who had said that they were 1 year but i can tell that she is to old to lay eggs and the other chicken always picks on her.What do I do to stop it?
I don't think that you want a truthful answer, but the humane thing is to cull the old hen a remember the hard lesson.

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