My girls are not laying as much :(

10 pollos

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 11, 2009
I am pretty new at this but I have 8 RIR ladies that are about 8 months old.
Normally I get between 7-8 eggs a day. They are in a pen about 12x12 with a coop. I used to let them out for a couple hours in the yard while I watched but now I let them out all day and they are in an enclosed yard about 20x20. I give them laying pellets, crushed oyster shells bread, salad
ect. The last few days I have only gotten 4 eggs from them??? I do have one lady that just sits on whatever egg maybe around untill I reach under her and take it (is this brooding?) She is my grouchy girl. Could the fact that I have them out have anything to do with the drop in egg production?
Or maybe my broody girl has something to do with it??? It is very hot here now does that have something to do with it?? Please advise.
Some breeds will slow down in hot weather, some are better layers in hot weather, and some are better in colder weather.

I do not know much about RIR, however, I have read that they are excellent and prolific layers. Are you sure they are not laying elsewhere other than the coop.
Its molting season and the heat stresses out the chickens. Im only getting 2 or 3 and 1/4 (phart egg) eggs a day out of maybe 19 hens
I have searched everywhere for hidden eggs and havent found any.
Do you think the broody grouchy one has anything to do with it?

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