My girls use their nesting boxes as a roost

[email protected]

9 Years
Sep 22, 2010
ok - I have all new girls and they are roosting on top of their nesting boxes which is nasty. The bedding in the boxes is covered with poop and once they start laying eggs it will not be an ideal situation.

Any suggestions for changing this behavior? We are going to try to build an impediment on top of the nesting boxes to change this. Not sure if it will work.
We did something similar and put it on hinges so that I could use the top for storage. I have two heat lamps, a couple of chick waterers and some other random farm stuff stashed up there. The girls tried to roost on top the first night but quickly gave up after they figured out they were just sliding off. I'm sure you will find a great solution!

I had a similar problem with the last flock HOWEVER I have 45 new pullets this year and they have not once offered to roost in the nest. I did what everyone else said... I just blocked it off and they got used to roosting on the roost for several months. Now they never even consider it. I can imagine it would be difficult to change their habits once they begin to lay.
If your girls are young and not at laying age block off the nest boxes with cardboard etc. The angled roof over nests is a perfect solution just make sure it is angled enough. Then make sure if you can that the roosts are higher then the nest boxes. They like to be up as high as they can get. Hope this helps, good luck.
lowering the nesting boxes may help. Right now they are the same height as the roosting spot. I had no problem with my last group of birds but these behave totally different.

Thanks for all of the advice!

Even though we put an angled top on the nest boxes, they still managed to roost there so we added this very steep board to the top. Also, make sure your roost is higher than the boxes. They really like to get up there

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