My goats are endangered....

My five are very picky also. I have an alfalfa mix hay and also timothy grass hay because they will waffle between the two contstantly. Very picky!

They also don't like the hay to become compressed in the hay rack or in their hay bags so I have to "fluff" it for them.

Thanks all! I just have to be more patient. I just hate the fear that I am not taking good care of them! I want them to be happy. Sigh. I can't believe I just have a bunch of drama queens!
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my goats are pretty picky they will only eat alfalfa based hay pellets they get grass hay somtimes to "play" with and chew on since they eat pellets as the main portion and I like them to hacve acutal hay to munch on but they will make sure that grass hay is not what is on the menu for the main part of their diet.

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