My GrandDaughters acquired 3 White Cornish Chickens


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Temple TeXas
for Easter.. After a time, I put them in with the others, slowly, but they picked their tail feathers out and made them bloody, so I had to move them..
I have about 30 other hens of different breeds.. My question is: I have two hens and a rooster, will the hens lay eggs? Will the rooster behave like any other? I know they are game birds, and very fat. Their personality is sweet and cordial, even the rooster..
Thanks.. Shari
Well..... They're probably a Cornish cross meat bird. They are a very cute yellow chick, but if they are very fat as you say they aren't really meant to live very long. They get too fat for their own legs and have organ problems. They're meant for slaughtering and eating at around 8 weeks old.

If they are just a white cornish, then they should be fine although the hens arent known of as great layers. Its just that you mention how fat they are.
They are likely cornishX.
CornishX are meat birds. They are bred to grow as fast as possible to be butchered at 6-10wks. The death rate after 12wks is high. It's rare for them to live past a year. Summer heat is really hard on them.
They don't make good pets.

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