My Guineas are running after vehicles

Lady G

Nov 7, 2018
Hi I hatched out 4 Guineas in June and they are free ranging but every time we get in the gator, tractor or car they run up to it. When anyone drives in the drive way the will run right up to the vehicle . Also it is getting really hard to get out of the drive way because they keep following . I try frightening them away with horns and by waving a plastic bag , it seems to slow them down a bit but not completely. Any advice would be helpful.
Thank You
Hi I hatched out 4 Guineas in June and they are free ranging but every time we get in the gator, tractor or car they run up to it. When anyone drives in the drive way the will run right up to the vehicle . Also it is getting really hard to get out of the drive way because they keep following . I try frightening them away with horns and by waving a plastic bag , it seems to slow them down a bit but not completely. Any advice would be helpful.
Thank You
Try flapping a big towel at them as you run toward them. You have to be consistent with the training and cannot let up at any time.
Thank you I will try it . I think what started it was we would call to them every time we would get out of a vehicle just to check on them, however ,we have created car chasing guineas ! Not good
Thank you I will try it . I think what started it was we would call to them every time we would get out of a vehicle just to check on them, however ,we have created car chasing guineas ! Not good
That is what I was afraid of. You trained them to well to do something that you don't want them to do.

Good luck

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