My hands are getting itchy...can't sit on them much longer.

Well...the chick with the egg I pipped isn't doing so hot. Its starting to click when it breathes...but at the same time its more active. It looks to be struggling and like it wants zip but I think she's a goner. She is just in a weird position I don't think she'd have made it either way but I definitely opened it too soon. The other egg is shaking and hopping and chirping away, its pretty vigorous...although I'm surprised because its been a long time too. It has a way stronger chirp than this other one ever did. The opened egg starting chirping yesterday and it was very weak sounding and then never chirped again in the egg. So after 30 hours from the initial chirp I pipped it because I had read on another thread 24 hours after internal pip they run out of oxygen. I think that is wrong. I should have given it more time...but maybe it wouldn't have survived regardless. I just don't know.
Don't feel bad... you meant well. We just learn from these experiences. I had to help my 2 ducklings this morning after 50+ hours... They stuck to the membrane and could not roll so they could not zip. I saw no vessels so I zipped for them and let them finish the pushing. Hope I did not ruin their legs by not letting them try any more time...

If there are survivors, we want to see them!!!
Well the one that I opened died. :( When I peeled back the membrane, his head was stuck between two massive vessels. The other one I decided not to touch. It chirped for while. Then the chirping started to sound weak and gravely. Then instead of a regular chirp it did these consecutive quiet short chortle chirps. I said...I'm not going to touch it. Then it got really quiet...and I candled. You could actually see it gasping. So then I said...well why not try. I pipped it and her whole head was out of the membrane and in the middle of the massive aircell. She couldn't reach the egg wall. It was a bit dry so I wet it and put her back. She gasped for a while and all of the sudden let out the loudest chirp ever and then I went to sleep with the sounds of her chirping and rolling around. A few hours later I woke up to flopping around and chirping so incredibly loud. Woke my kids up too! But she is tiny...there wasn't much room for growth since the damaged air cell took up 2/3 of the egg. She is doing really well but she's a singleton. I'm going to look for another chick or two or she'll just be a house chicken for now. So...i'm glad I intervened when I did this time. I'll try to post pics if I find my camera charger.
I guess its ok so far. Temp and humidity have been staying rock solid. Ive been busy....plan on candling them on Saturday which would be day 11. Before I started this, 21 days sounded quick. Now it seems to be taking forever...
Half way there... half way there...
please post pics!

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