My Hatching Journey: the Adventures of a Complete Newbie

Hello Alex, and thanks!

In that case, I will be very careful to not be careful.
Set all the eggs!

If ya don't have room, find someone who wants more chickens. I already have 2 places to give the chicks that I hatch.

Ha ha! We MIGHT have a roo or two in our batch of 4 straight run Isbars, so there may be a chance soon to hatch.

We're actually thinking of auctioning off a couple of our ducks to make room for some Calls.
It's INCREDIBLY dangerous living almost next door to a lady who breeds exhibition quality Calls, as well as living a little over an hour away from a main hatchery (Meyer). Of course, you know the first chicken I'm going to get rid of is Alex.....

When I said #9 was zipping 17 hours ago, I think I jinxed it. It still hasn't hatched. Just a big hole. I don't think it can rotate, and I think it will end up a mercy cull.

BUT... 12 others have hatched and are doing well. Couple little issues, but nothing too major. Other than the almost-#9, there is one other possible left in the bator, which will likely not make it either, but I'm happy overall! Not bad for my first quail hatch! 12 out of 16 (3 of which I was doubtful on anyway! - 2 of those were definitely DIS, one turned out to be #12 hatcher.)
Bummer on #9, at least the rest are good.

Ha ha! We MIGHT have a roo or two in our batch of 4 straight run Isbars, so there may be a chance soon to hatch.

We're actually thinking of auctioning off a couple of our ducks to make room for some Calls. :p It's INCREDIBLY dangerous living almost next door to a lady who breeds exhibition quality Calls, as well as living a little over an hour away from a main hatchery (Meyer). Of course, you know the first chicken I'm going to get rid of is Alex.....:p :lau :plbb


You live close to someone with calls and you haven't gotten any yet? Nutty girl.

Right now I have a rooster in my cellar with frostbite on his wattles, I am hoping he doesn't loose them. They are swollen and black, but he doesn't appear to be in pain.
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You live close to someone with CALLS??

Get some, and post pictures! I love those calls!

Hmm, I see how living so close to Meyer could be a problem..

Right now I have a roo in my cellar with frostbite on his wattles, I am hoping he doesn't loose them. They are swollen and black, but he doesn't appear to be in pain.

Sure do! She's got a variety of colors, with my personal favorite being the Black East India. And nothing could be more classic than a plain old white Call. Oops, I'll quit disrupting your hatching thread with dreams of teeny-tiny duckies.

Poor guy! My Cookie (Sicilian Buttercup) has been having a little trouble with that comb of hers, too. I hate to report that it's starting to turn a little gray, sometimes slightly black. Well, I've done the best I possibly can dousing it with petroleum jelly.

Sure do! She's got a variety of colors, with my personal favorite being the Black East India. And nothing could be more classic than a plain old white Call. Oops, I'll quit disrupting your hatching thread with dreams of teeny-tiny duckies. :p

Poor guy! My Cookie (Sicilian Buttercup) has been having a little trouble with that comb of hers, too. I hate to report that it's starting to turn a little gray, sometimes slightly black. Well, I've done the best I possibly can dousing it with petroleum jelly.

I love the white calls, but they are all so cute, it is hard to choose.
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375 hours (or 15 days, 15 hours) and 41 minutes in. Lockdown is close, I hope that blue egg makes it. :fl
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