My Heart Is Broken. My Poor Little Chicks And Mom Murdered.

Hi there,

That's dreadful news about Biscuit and her chicks. I hope it isn't long before you find some more chicks to look after. Like many people on BYC I started keeping chickens for practical reasons (called eggs) but by now I completely agree with you that chickens are very entertaining and make great pets. And your call for chicken owners to make sure that their birds are housed securely is an extremely sensible one. I'm a big fan of wildlife of all shapes and sizes... but I do my utmost to keep the more toothy elements of wildlife away from my chickens! Admittedly, in Ireland we have far fewer types of predators than you do in the US, but we do have foxes, and our chickens have had some close run ins with cats (not so much of a problem for fully grown chooks maybe, but our younger birds are very vulnerable). In many ways I envy you your cougars, lynx, wolves, bears, fishers and other wild animals that contribute to making your wild places really special. But I don't envy you the problems that these animals pose for the safety of your chickens! I wish you (and all readers of this thread) every success in keeping the wild things at bay, and your chickens safe!

Best wishes,

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Biscuit and her chicks...I would be just as devastated as you...we have 7 3-week old chicks, who the kids and I play with and watch all the time...Losing any one of them would really break our hearts. I'm so sorry that you lost your whole little flock
Give it a little time and then see if you can get your hands on some new chickies before the cold weather sets in. They won't be the same, but they'll win your heart soon enough!!!
This happens a lot more then you would think. The coon didn't find my egg doors for years, then attacked when I had several broodies in various stages of progress:


This is the solution:

I am so sorry for your loss.

It is so sweet of you to think of others during your time of loss. Your poor son, I can't imagine the horror and sadness caused by finding such a horrible thing.

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