My hen abandoned her clutch! What should I do?

I've got 1 hatched chick!! It hatched this morning! It hatched around 34-36 hrs after I first heard it peeping! It appears to be doing well. Is it okay to keep it in with the other eggs for a couple days to see if the other eggs will hatch? I have a glass bowl over the eggs to help with the humidity. Should I keep it under the bowl owe should I move it outside of the bowl?
Great!!! Glad to get a positive update <3

I would keep that chick with the eggs for now as long as there is no danger of jumping out, drowning in something (I've had a chick drown in a glass jar lid with 1/8th in water), and the correct temperature. The chicks peeping encourages the other chicks to pip and keep going. Don't keep it under the bowl tho. You'll want to make sure it has enough air.
I removed the bowl because the room is super humid now. It feels like a sauna. I've got the temp around 100°. Is that still a good temp for a hatched chick? It's little legs are getting stronger and it's walking around the box more :)
This is the set up. I'm not sure how high the humidity is but you start sweating as soon as you walk in, so it's pretty high. :) I can't hear any peeping from the other eggs yet. If none of the others hatch, I'll go to our feed store and buy another one so it'll have company. I've read they don't do well solo.
Oh congrats! That's a cute little chick. You're doing a great job making this work. It can take between 3-4 days to get the other eggs to hatch, live chicks do best around 95 degrees, 100 degrees F should be okay, just watch for any panting, it means the chick is too hot.
First chick didn't make it :-( I feel horrible. I think it over heated, even though I was watching the temp :-( I hear peeping from another egg this morning, but I feel sick every time I think about that poor other chick :-(
Ugh, sorry to hear that.

Do you have a thermometer on the floor? Ideally, 95 F is what is desired. My husband once accidentally killed an entire batch of leghorns by overheating them. We both felt terrible, but accidents do happen, and you've been really trying hard for these eggs. :hugs

Have you noticed any more broody hens in the coop?
Sometimes when one gives up, another will try to one-up her.
Thank you for the support and encouragement. No other broody hens. I have an old game hen that's no longer lays but likes to sit on eggs. I tried to get her to take over the first day, before I brought them in, but she showed no interest, go figure. I lifted the heat lamp a little and will watch it closer this time. I had the room super humid, so I wasn't taking the "real feel" into consideration too. Hopefully, this next chick will have a better outcome. I won't be hatching chicks again any time soon!!!

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