My Hen has been without feathers for over a year, Why?


9 Years
Sep 16, 2012
Hello everyone, I hope someone can tell me what I can do to help my Hen, as you can see in the pictures she has been without feathers for over a year. There is a cold winter coming and I wanted to figure out how I can either get her to grow more feathers or do I buy her a sweater. She shows no sign of being sick, she eats very well, is very active with the flock, she shows no sign of being affected by the lack of covering and her poops are big and healthy. I figure its genetics with her but not sure. Please everyone I need advise.

Thank you

Hello everyone, I hope someone can tell me what I can do to help my Hen, as you can see in the pictures she has been without feathers for over a year. There is a cold winter coming and I wanted to figure out how I can either get her to grow more feathers or do I buy her a sweater. She shows no sign of being sick, she eats very well, is very active with the flock, she shows no sign of being affected by the lack of covering and her poops are big and healthy. I figure its genetics with her but not sure. Please everyone I need advise.

Thank you

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Rooster Damage.

Also looks like she's starting to molt, so she'll be feathery again soon.
How old is she? How many birds, sexes and ages, how much space?
My guess is rooster damage and feather picking. If those are broken shafts then feathers won't grow til she molts, those shafts will fall out and new ones will grow. If some are new shafts then she's already starting the process.
How old is she? How many birds, sexes and ages, how much space?
My guess is rooster damage and feather picking. If those are broken shafts then feathers won't grow til she molts, those shafts will fall out and new ones will grow. If some are new shafts then she's already starting the process.
She is 2 years old, there is 10 hens and one rooster, she is part of the 10 hens and they free range everyday and the run area is big enough for 50 chickens to live in stress free.
What are you feeding her? I would give them all All Flock feed because that has the most protein to help her regrow her feathers. Put oyster shell out on the side for the layers
Chickens usually molt the first time around 16-18 months old, and then yearly thereafter. In the first year, she may have had rooster damage or feather picking. The feathers do not grow back until the molt occurs. Make sure they do not pull out those new feathers coming in, or this will delay her more. My hens never looked that bad, but I used home made hen saddles when their backs were bare until they molted. These can be made out of a 7x 9 inch piece of polar fleece, with two 2 inch slits cut for wings. They stay on with just the wings holding them on. If she is already molting, it might be better to not cover her, since the new feathers will be painful if touched. Here is a link about how to make a hen saddle, no sewing or straps required:

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