My hen is acting weird. Is she egg bound?


Free Ranging
6 Years
Mar 5, 2017
So today I was having a problem with my two roosters fighting so while the hens free ranged u put one rooster in the coop with food and water and let the other out to free range and then they take turns. So my D,uncle hen was acting weird so I put her in the coop to go to her fav laying spot. She ran to it and would not stop making this noise like she was mad or something and she sat down like she was going to lay an egg and after a few hours there is still no egg. So I'm worried she might be egg bound but she seems find she is just making strange noises and did not lay an egg when I thought she was. She has already gone through her molt and she layed an egg just two days. So I'm just wondering if any of you know what might be going on. Thanks in advance
There is actually. She goes broody just about every spring and has hatched eggs before but has never made this noise.

Broody hens almost ALWAYS make weird, nearly indescribable noises. It's possible she has just now decided she needs to make broody noises, now that she's gotten older and learned more about how to do it - especially if another hen has gone broody and made the same kind of noises around her. They learn from each other, as well as going by instinct.

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