My hen is crowing...


┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
7 Years
Apr 12, 2015
Montgomery, TX
After a hawk attack I’ve had to maintain separate coops. I’ve only been able to integrate two of my original surviving birds with the 9 5 month old new pullets. There are two hens (one 8 months and one 19 months) that are obscenely aggressive with the others. I’ve had them separate for at least two to three weeks.

Today, the most aggressive of the two, the 8 month old welsummer, is crowing.

From the day of the attack, she has never laid an egg again. Every other chicken that is old enough has resumed laying. This hen had laid at least 15 eggs before the attack, so I know she is a hen....

Is there any way to encoirage her to not crow?
After a hawk attack I’ve had to maintain separate coops. I’ve only been able to integrate two of my original surviving birds with the 9 5 month old new pullets. There are two hens (one 8 months and one 19 months) that are obscenely aggressive with the others. I’ve had them separate for at least two to three weeks.

Today, the most aggressive of the two, the 8 month old welsummer, is crowing.

From the day of the attack, she has never laid an egg again. Every other chicken that is old enough has resumed laying. This hen had laid at least 15 eggs before the attack, so I know she is a hen....

Is there any way to encoirage her to not crow?

Get a rooster.
@jolenesdad , I'm sorry if I offended you with my wise crack. But what I wrote is true!
Why do you want your hen to stop crowing?
How much space do you have for your chickens in the coop and run?
What are your chicken keeping goals?
Sorry for all the questions but they will help us to more seriously understand and address your concerns.
years ago I had a few ducks in with my hens (and 1 rooster). Once, and only once, I heard a chicken hen trying to quack! I came out from inside a barn, looked at her, she looked at me and walked away immediately. Never heard it again and no one would believe me!

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