my hen is crowing!

I've had my head hen do a cockadoodle do! It was only once, I know I heard it, and there aren't any roosters anywhere near me. I did start to question myself, but after reading this, I think Ruby crowed.
this is practicly impossible. im not saying i dont belive you but i have had many years of exp. and i have read many books about chickens, this chicken must be a roo but if im wrong this is a defect. if im wrong about that, this could be a record.l
All hens are capable of crowing, Though not as defined as a male. The syrinx[voice box] of both sexes are practically the same. Wth a little more bucket time in the chicken yard we would all find that our hens crow more than what we think
I've got a crowing hen. My neighbor kids (ages 3 and 5) are completely confused! She is proof that not "just" roosters crow.

Actually, I think it shows some intelligence that they can manipulate their "voices" to make crowing rooster sounds. I feel a little bit embarassed for her, though....she is really quite femine (petite and beautiful) and then she has to go and ruin it for herself by letting out a big ugly cock-a-doodle-doo!!
Um, well I have a SLW who "crows", and we have 4 roos. I know she is a hen because I have actually seen her lay an egg.

It is not as defined as the true cock-a-doodle-do of a roo, but just as loud. She is quite a bossy hen.

I have been to college and have degrees and have worked about every medical situation there is. I've learned that no matter how much you know, there's always more you don't know. I think it would be a record for me to NOT be wrong some days.

My EE hen that lays green eggs, and is 6 years old, sometimes tries to crow. It sounds funny, but it is a type of crow. I have no roosters, there are some across the street.
Your hen is beautiful!!
I have two hens that crow like a rooster. I also have a rooster that lives with them. I can't explain why they do it but they do.
Your Lavender is a beautiful hen, of that I'm sure. And if you say she crowed, I believe you. I've read other posts of hens crowing, and I'm old enough to know that nothing is impossible. She would make some very pretty biddies, too, I bet.
YOur Lav's definitely a girl who crows!
My crowing hen was a true hermaphrodite...she looked like a boy, acted like a boy and when I gave her hormones she laid me one baby yellow egg.

I had to keep Slifer quiet so I could keep her...I'd ask the neighbours if she bothered them.

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