I have a buff Orpington that Cackles and Cackles after she lays her egg. She is the loudest of all. Some call it the egg song. Calling the Rooster before she lays and announcing her achievement after. Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! She is super loud!

She goes Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk before she lays like she's getting reved up and ready. Then after she lays the Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk!

She is crazy! :barnie:yesss:
I have a buff Orpington that Cackles and Cackles after she lays her egg. She is the loudest of all. Some call it the egg song. Calling the Rooster before she lays and announcing her achievement after. Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! She is super loud!

She goes Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk before she lays like she's getting reved up and ready. Then after she lays the Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk!

She is crazy! :barnie:yesss:
Same, my 1st egger today cackled, a little, then layed it and was done. She is an RIR Buff orp mix.
Hi, just curious what breed is this hen of yours? I noticed more flighty/nervous breeds (examples: Rhode island reds, leghorns, sex-link's) are more louder when laying compared to calmer breeds (examples: Orpingtons, Australorps, Brahmas, etc.) in my experience.
She looks like a sultan/amerucana
When pullets start to lay, they often make a lot of noise, even before having laid the egg.
You will have to get used to their noise and calls, as it is part of their normal behaviour and communication.

Some are rather quiet and others sqwak and scream days in advance.
Thank u for the information
I have a buff Orpington that Cackles and Cackles after she lays her egg. She is the loudest of all. Some call it the egg song. Calling the Rooster before she lays and announcing her achievement after. Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! She is super loud!

She goes Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk Bawk before she lays like she's getting reved up and ready. Then after she lays the Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk! Bawk Bawk Bawk Ba gawk!

She is crazy! :barnie:yesss:
That is exactly what is happening with my chicken. She did same thing with the rooster.

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