My hen just laid her very first egg, how long do I let her sit on it?

I think your right and there are two laying eggs. We have gotten two a day now for a couple of days!! I'm so glad these girls are starting to lay eggs, seemed like it was taking forever!
Oh my...Mine are just getting old enough to lay..I hope I don't have to run around the yard "looking" ! I keep looking i their nesting boxes but so far..nothing. How do I know they are not laying under the bushes out in the yard? I suppose constantly checking would be what I need to do at this point?
Thank you! I went out there and cleaned out the box and put the egg back, when she saw me clean it out she hopped out of the coop and hasn't gone back in so I took it back out. Does anyone know how many eggs/how often/how many/ect.. I can expect from a New Hampshire Red? I figure we will just start checking the box every day from now on! We are super excited about her first egg!! We have four of the new hampshire reds and two younger ones, not sure what they would be called, but they are about a month and a half younger. One is a White Rock and the other is a Jersey Giant/White Rock mix. I am new to chickens so I'm just now learning about each breed. :)
My NHR just started lying about two & a half weeks ago....she laid her first, took the next day off, laid for four days, took a day off, laid for 4 days & took a day off etc....she does not lay past 3:00 in the afternoon. What color egg has yours laid? Mine does not stay on the nest very long after she has laid...they all have such individual personalities and quirks!
So far they are a light tan/brown, the last one seemed darker though. Today however we didn't get any eggs, but I know I heard one of the hens making that bawking noise she does when she is laying an egg. For the life of us we could not find an egg anywhere in the backyard or in the coop. So I guess we will see how it goes. I'm going to add shredded paper to her nesting box and see if that helps because she has kicked out all of the wood shavings. Hoping to see eggs tomorrow!!

I am loving that they are laying eggs now and I have noticed that two of them that I think are laying are all of a sudden very calm. When we go to pick them up there are two who will squat down low like they are waiting to be picked up. Although my boys say they look like they are about to lay an egg. LOL These two though, they seem to want to be held more and are more social than the other ones.

Who knew that you could have spoiled rotten chickens! LOL They have become so social and very lovable!! I *heart* my girls!!!
We couldn't find any eggs anywhere yesterday and so far nothing today either. Not sure if that is normal or not?
My bantam hen just laid our first egg ever today anis your right it feels like it takes forever I'm not sure what kind of chickens and chicks and roosters we have we take all the free ones people post ads for that they can't keep anymore. but they all have very different, fun, and curious personalities bundles of fun.
One of my girls produced my and her first egg today. I don't know which hen it was though. The egg is small and brown. I thought this morning there was a lot going on in the sleeping area, I had put new strain in and one the hens was busy rearranging it. Is there anything special I I should do with the egg? Put it in the fridge? Or leave it out?
One of my girls produced my and her first egg today. I don't know which hen it was though. The egg is small and brown. I thought this morning there was a lot going on in the sleeping area, I had put new strain in and one the hens was busy rearranging it. Is there anything special I I should do with the egg? Put it in the fridge? Or leave it out?

Great info here.

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One of my girls produced my and her first egg today. I don't know which hen it was though. The egg is small and brown. I thought this morning there was a lot going on in the sleeping area, I had put new strain in and one the hens was busy rearranging it. Is there anything special I I should do with the egg? Put it in the fridge? Or leave it out?
Eat it! (I leave mine on the counter until I’m ready to eat them.)

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