My hen passed?


6 Years
Sep 17, 2013
This was so hard for me. I am a very good pet owner and just don't know what I did wrong or if I did anything wrong at all. For about 3 days I noticed my barred rock acting quite and alone. So on that same 3rd day I went out that evening to put the 7 hens and 1 rooster I have, to bed. I then decided to taker her in and separate her to watch her over night. She was not eating and when I picked her up she through up a clear liquid. I freaked out and knew we had a problem. I took her to my shop and made her a bed. I figure if she was not better by morning. I would find a vet. However , we went in the next morning and she had passed away. It was so sad, I felt like I didn't know what to do, or if I waited too long. I never want this to happen again. What happened and what can I do to help my hens and notice signs sooner. Please help, either a good med book or a veterinarian near salem Oregon. This hen we think could have had a stroke before we got her and this could had contributed to her passing, but there was no eating or drinking only for about a day or two at most. Ruffled feathers and did not notice any blood in feices or anything else. Only some agitation for a couple days as well. I then noticed blood on the crown. It was because they were picking on her because if her illness. This was turf to tell, can any one help. Thank you
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Sorry for your loss. Unfortunately with chickens these things do happen and are quite common. It's one part of chicken keeping that can wear on you after a while, especially for those of us who keep small hobby flocks. Anything we come up with here as far as what was wrong with your bird would just be a guess. There are just so many things it could have been and the only way to get a straight answer is to have a necropsy done. Some state labs will do it for free. Chickens are extremely good at hiding their illnesses so by the time they show symptoms that we can see they are very sick birds.
Sorry for your loss.  Unfortunately with chickens these things do happen and are quite common.  It's one part of chicken keeping that can wear on you after a while, especially for those of us who keep small hobby flocks.  Anything we come up with here as far as what was wrong with your bird would just be a guess.  There are just so many things it could have been and the only way to get a straight answer is to have a necropsy done.  Some state labs will do it for free.  Chickens are extremely good at hiding their illnesses so by the time they show symptoms that we can see they are very sick birds.
Thank you, I understand completely. It will probably never get easy. I appreciate your time and response

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