My hens are sick and i think its coryza.

Age unknown. Red star hens they have a 15×15 house and a 50 foot run symptoms are runny nose both eyes shut won't eat or drink I gave her 0.25 mg ivermec yesterday (orally) and I put triple antibiotics in both eyes today and force feed and watered her she can still open one eye but keeps it shut. Thank you so much for any help.
Can ivermec be used and if so what would be the dosage and how often? Amy help is greatly appreciated.

I gave her 0.25 mg ivermec yesterday (orally)
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Can you post photos of her?

Ivermectin is anti-parasitic and mainly used to treat mites in poultry. It may still be effective for treatment of certain worms. It is not an antibiotic.

If you think your hen has Infectious Coryza which is a contagious respiratory disease, her symptoms will need to be treated with an antibiotic. Sulfa antibiotics are used as treatment of Infectious Coryza. Do you have access to a vet?

1%Ivermetin dose is 0.045ml per pound of weight, so a 5lb hen would get a dose of 0.23ml once, then repeated in 10-14 days.
Coryza presents a foul odor around the head area of a chicken. If there isnt a foul odor, I'd suspect Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG) or Infectious Bronchitis (IB.)
IB is a virus and antibiotics will not treat it. Telltale signs of IB are wrinkled eggs.

Treatment for Coryza is a sulfa drug in combination with an antibiotic such as Baytril or Tylan 50 or 200.
MG can be treated with Tylan or Baytril.

It's also possible chickens can have a combination of respiratory diseases all at once.
These diseases cause birds to be carriers for life, stress will cause symptoms to reappear with never ending treatments, antibiotics eventually wont work due to bacterial resistance to the product. Sick birds wont lay eggs, if they do, there are withdrawal periods for the eggs due to the administration of medications. Eggs will have to disposed of.

I recommend that you cull your infected flock and bury them deep or incinerate them.
Disinfect coops, feeders and waterers, roosts and nest boxes and let them set for at least two months before repopulating with new birds, preferably from a reliable hatchery.
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of her?

Ivermectin is anti-parasitic and mainly used to treat mites in poultry. It may still be effective for treatment of certain worms. It is not an antibiotic.

If you think your hen has Infectious Coryza which is a contagious respiratory disease, her symptoms will need to be treated with an antibiotic. Sulfa antibiotics are used as treatment of Infectious Coryza. Do you have access to a vet?

1%Ivermetin dose is 0.045ml per pound of weight, so a 5lb hen would get a dose of 0.23ml once, then repeated in 10-14 days.


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I been keeping triple antibiotics on both eyes and Vicks vapor for her nose she seams to be fine except for her eyes and a runny nose. Thanks for your help I think I may have more infected birds but none of them have an eye problem just a runny nose
I been keeping triple antibiotics on both eyes and Vicks vapor for her nose she seams to be fine except for her eyes and a runny nose. Thanks for your help I think I may have more infected birds but none of them have an eye problem just a runny nose
Vicks is mildly toxic to chickens, it won't help her. You need to remove the infection

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