my hens


10 Years
Jun 15, 2009
MY hens are now laying in the am I Have eggs by nine in the moring, but there were laying the early afternoon, why have they changed, it does not matter , I AM just curious I Have 3 rir 9 months old and l I THINK WELSUMMER
Mine are laying much more in the morning, too. I am wondering if we will see a change, when the days get longer?? I hardly ever find an egg, after lunchtime. Interesting...
My girls just did a routine change on me this week too. And some even skipped a day. I normally get 4 eggs first thing and then have to keep checking throughout the day for the late divas who lay when they feel like it. I have 8 hens are usually get 6 eggs a day! I was told it takes like 24-26 hours for an egg to develop and that they lay an hour later each day.

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