My Hubby Loves Me!!! Pics of my new gift!!

Hey Smith2
I'm a teacher with chickens too and everone at my school who knows me knows it. Don't let them make fun of you! Most teachers don't have anything nearly as interesting as chickens in their lives! If they are making fun of you they are just jealous that you have such cool and unique pets.
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i totally agree!! I get made fun of all the time, I am not a teacher, but I get called The Crazy Chicken Lady on a daily basis...Most of my family and friends support me, but others are just down right mean....
I wanted to add that one of the worst places I got it from was my old job at TSC!!!! They were by far the worst..Crazy coming from a farm supply store!!
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I always took it as a complement when people called me the crazy chicken lady.
It's a good thing!

Love the charm! If I didn't have a full time necklace from my first birthday strapped to my neck all the time, I'd so swap it for a rooster!
Thanks guys! My students seem to respect my hobby more than adults do. The students are always asking questions about my "chicken projects." You are right, they are just showing their jealousy!
But it still irritates me.
My fellow teachers and my students are all very interested in my chickens and ask about the Delightful Dozen all the time. I started a blog and my students like to look at the pictures and comment about their growth. Maybe next year I will raise a few in my classroom...hmm, what variety though?

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