My idea for a chicken/duck tractor (opinions welcomed)


7 Years
Apr 19, 2012
Tacoma Washington
I plan to make 3 A frames out of PVC pipe (with connectors and all) drill holds to use a bamboo pole on the top then drill holes for boards on the bottom (for some weight to keep it from being knocked over easily). I also am considering putting some wheels on it as I have heavy duty castors already then i could easily wheel it around as I please.
I am planning on making the bottom of it 10ft wide, by 12 ft long (i already have a pole and boards around that length). I am going to cover half with wire and the other half with tarp material to give some shade/protection from the weather. Both ends i haven't decided on if i want to use wire or this hard plastic material i have that i can cut to the right shape and zip tie/hook on.

Has anyone tried this?
I have been working on PVC A-frame type tractors myself (2 of them). Once they are completed, I will post some pics. The only flaw in the PVC I can think of is how light they are. I have 3 German Shepherds, which if you know about shepherds, they are always "on" in one of three modes: Protection, Herding, Prey. This means the light PVC tractor may become a rolling toy for them. We shall see.
I have been working on PVC A-frame type tractors myself (2 of them). Once they are completed, I will post some pics. The only flaw in the PVC I can think of is how light they are. I have 3 German Shepherds, which if you know about shepherds, they are always "on" in one of three modes: Protection, Herding, Prey. This means the light PVC tractor may become a rolling toy for them. We shall see.

i have an ACD mix so yeah i know what you're talking about. it is why i was thinking the A frames in PVC and then two HEAVY boards for the length at the bottom, and then a mid weight board for the top to connect 3 A frames together then put wire. So it would have some weight to it. mostly because herding dogs are so smart and will be like oh it opens from the bottom LOL
If you are worried about your PVC frame being too light you can always put sand in the bottom pipes for stability.
Hello Covertchickops,

How is team omelette ?

I really like your hide a way coop!

I would like a copy of your plans.

Email how I can get your plans at

[email protected]


Paws farms

23 hens
One very tuff and good looking rooster
And two nutty ducks
I need them to be moble and better all around access like the
Hideaway coop gives.
I love the idea of using bamboo; we use it all over our yard for all sorts of different projects. However, I see an issue with using it as your beam along the top of your a-frame structure. I don't think that you could get a tight enough fit at the pvc-bamboo joints to keep the structure sturdy; every time we try to set a screw in bamboo, the bamboo will ultimately splits and fail at the joint over time. Maybe if you where to cross the side pieces (walls), making an X and then running the ridge beam along the bottom of the X and then try holding everything together with some banding twine it would be sturdy - still then, I see things coming loose over time from moving the tractor around. If it were me, I'd give it a go anyway; maybe use all bamboo and no pvc. But I like having projects and wouldn’t care if it fell apart. But if you’re looking for something lasting, I would use all PVC with unions along the top and then double up with glue and a screw and washer.

I have built a green house using only bamboo. I used a larger piece of bamboo; maybe around 3" in diameter, for the ridge beam. Then using a hole saw, popped holes in ridge and set my 'rafters', which were also bamboo, into the holes. Then from the top of the beam, set a screw down through the ridge into the rafter. The structure is sturdy and has held up well, but I don’t know how it would do with the constant jostling a tractor gets...

Regarding the PCV use, if you have not already bought something, go with pcv electrical conduit (the grey stuff). It holds up better outside. The white plumbing stuff will only last 2-3 years before it becomes brittle from sun exposure. If you already have some PVC that you are planning to use up, I would paint it with a quick once over with some spray paint.

Something else to consider too: After seeing a few different structures built with PVC, I think the sturdiest ones I have seen use a piece of smaller metal, electrical conduit, inside of a larger piece of plastic conduit, to help keep it ridged. Maybe you could use this same concept somehow with bamboo?

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