My incubator came today! :) Some questions!!!


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Northern California
YAY!!! My incubator finally came today! I'm beyond excited!
It's a Hovabator Genesis. I've never had good experience with incubators, so I'm hoping this one will different... but I'm cautiously optimistic. We'll see in 22 days (setting up the eggs tomorrow)! But I have some questions...

Seeing as it's brand spanking new, I'm assuming it's pretty clean. Is it safe to use as is, or should I disinfect it?

I'm giving it a test run right now. I have three thermometers in it to test their accuracy (one's a candy thermometer, lol, it's all we had). One is totally off, like not even close. But the others are gradually catching up with it. So... it might just be faster.

What should the humidity be in a forced air incubator for the first 18 days? During the hatching stage?

Temp is 100 F, right?

Where's the best room to keep it in? We don't have any rooms in our house that stay the same temp all day and night. They either get colder or warmer as the day goes on, is this ok? Will the incubator stabilize itself around this?

When I put the eggs in, should I let the bator cool back down and gradually let the eggs warm, or should I put them in while it's warm?

Are there any other tips you guys have for me? Please? I REALLY need this to be a good hatch, I don't think I can take another 40-egg disappointment. Thanks!

i did not sterilize mine the first go round, but i don't know if that was 'right/wrong' etc.

humidity - i like to run at 50% until day 18 and then up to 60 - 65% 19 - 21

temp - between 99.5* F - 100.5* F will be great

the room that is the most stable temp-wise and has no drafts, but fresh air is the best choice. i use my living room and a hallway.

the bator should be at temp when the eggs are placed. do not cool it down to put them in.

other tips: clean hands in the bator to candle, don't mess with stuff too much. sit back and relax. whatever is going to happen, is going to happen. have fun!
Thanks Miss Jayne!

One more question to anyone who's reading... One thermometer read 98 F (my fancy thermo/hygrometer), another readsy 102 F, and the Candy Thermo read 105ish F. They're all at the same level in the bator. Which should I go by? AAAH. This is terrible. I wish the eggs would hatch themselves. lol
Hey, my eggs aren't going to fall out of the turner, are they? They're pretty small, and this is a large chicken egg turner. I don't think they will... but? Someone just say no to calm me down. lol.
nope. they shouldn't fall out. they'll sit down in them.

for the thermometer question...i like the digital therms from the hardware/garden area at WalMart. they are pretty accurate and easy to use.

it's worth the 10 bucks for peace of mind.

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