my Khaki Campbell is bleeding from this normal?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 1, 2014
Wollongong, NSW, AUSTRALIA
Hello, I am new to this site & new to the whole duck thing, I have a 5 1/2 wk old Khaki Campbell, & just noticed some blood on her where she has been preening near one of her this because she is nipping herself too hard? or is there something more serious wrong? I have also noticed the last few days it's like she has left 'dandruff' on the floor after preening, is this normal? (her feathers are starting to come through in different spots) I have so much to learn so any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance!
The dandruff is the waxy straw-like covers that come in over new feathers. She may have yanked a blood feather - take a close look, I suspect it may heal by itself. If those get damaged, sometimes they need to be pulled, but I doubt that is the case here.

But do watch - because if the feather keeps bleeding, her health is at risk, and the feather will need to be pulled to stop the bleeding.
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thank you so much! I will definitely keep an eye on the bleeding & will keep researching things as I basically know nothing...she was a gift! & glad the 'dandruff' is normal too. I appreciate your help
The bleeding has stopped thanks so hopefully it was a one off thing. Can I also ask, when do they start quacking? She's 6wks old but I've heard a couple noises the last few days that kind of resemble a quack...could be wrong. Thanks

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